Sabtu, 21 September 2013

Five among the easiest plants to grow in the garden

If you're a beginner (or paraisseux) in gardening, choose from thousands of plants (there are more than 5000 on the market) is a real headache. Fortunately, there are some which are easy to grow in our flowerbeds. Here are five.


The genre offers hundreds of different cultivars. Some are dwarfs while others are huge. Between the two, there are a variety of dimensions. That is their foliage that grows hostas. This ranges from dark green to pale yellow, through variegated blue and white or yellow.

Hardy in zones 4 and 3, hostas grow in full sun or partial shade, and are well suited to all soils. They have a small "defect", they are slow to take their full swing. However, they may remain in place for several years without the need to divide. They can be used in flowerbeds, as ground cover or undergrowth.


There are thousands of cultivars of these plants, and therefore a choice of colors almost infinite flowers. Some cultivars have a very long flowering period. These are plants of zone 3 that fit well in all soils and like full sun, although they will tolerate light shade. They are easy to maintain known, particularly because they can remain in place ten to twelve years before being rejuvenated. Daylilies adorn the beds, creating massive and make good cut flowers.

The miscanthus Japan

These grasses zone 4, of which there are many cultivars are grown for their foliage. The latter, more or less flared tuft at the top is green, blue green or variegated, often coppery red in fall. These plants full sun, less demanding on soil quality are also decorative in their purple or silvery plumes in September. They are used alone, in hedges and flowerbeds.

Spirea Japan Gold Mound

This shrub zone 4a, hybridized in Quebec, has a rounded shape, compact (H. 70 cm L.. 80 cm). It is popular for its young shoots yellow tinged with red, and deciduous, simple, golden yellow and lime yellow. The flowers are pale pink. This plant in full sun to light shade and adapts well to all types of soil. She feeds the birds, attracts butterflies and is used in flower beds, edge, in rock gardens, low hedges or ground cover.

The vine

This native creeper zone 2a reached 10 meters high and as wide. Its stems tendrils root-spikes (which do not damage the brick) are green leaves, shiny, taking a red and purple fall color. The bluish fruit feed birds. A little slow to settle thereafter growth is very fast. Pushing both in sun and shade, undemanding on the soil type, it can cover the walls and many structures.

Jumat, 20 September 2013

Close intimacy legally

They are installed for privacy, for aesthetic or because it is the law. Install a fence at the limits of his property is not as simple as you might think. First, because each municipality has its own regulations regarding the height, materials used and location. Things may also be complicated if the fence is attached, that is to say, shared with your neighbor.

Install a fence has certain obligations to the owners.

Several municipalities have regulations to force some owners to close their land. This often aims to minimize the risk of accidents or inconveniences that may result in non-fenced. Even in the absence of a settlement, if you fail to close your property and there is a source of danger, you could be held responsible in court. This is the case for example of a drowning in a pool.

Legally speaking, a municipality may not prohibit the installation of a fence by the owner. By cons, it has full power to the rest. The best thing before investing hundreds of dollars in this project is to learn about the regulations in your municipality. Of course, before erecting a fence, it is wise to locate the dividing line with the neighboring land. The intervention of a surveyor may be required if the terminals are not clearly established.

Finally, if you are a sole proprietor, it is your responsibility to pay the cost of installation, as well as the costs of maintenance. If the fence is attached, installation and maintenance costs are shared by the two parties. Failing an agreement, you can force your neighbor to help with the installation and maintenance costs. But the best way to avoid closing the baffles, it is still talking.

Kamis, 19 September 2013

Water while saving water

In recent days, several regions of Quebec have higher while rainfall is scarce heat. In order to enjoy all the benefits of plants, including their ability to cool the air and provide shade, interdisciplinary Federation ornamental horticulture Quebec (FIHOQ) said that is possible water while saving water.

FIHOQ provides the general public, municipal officials and anyone interested in water conservation, the website "Water while saving water." It provides fast and efficient solutions to use the right amount of water at the right place at the right time.

Home gardeners will discover strategies to save water in the garden: What are the right tools for watering? How to install and use the barrels to collect rainwater?
According FIHOQ, the proposed measures comply with the model law for the use of potable water. This document was published by the Technical Committee on Drinking Water of the Ministry of Municipal Affairs Quebec economy Strategy.

The organization invites municipalities to create a site link "Water and save drinking water" on their web page. They will be able to relay their citizens quality information based on scientific evidence and written by experts in ornamental horticulture.


Recall that FIHOQ is the "voice" and the reference in ornamental horticulture in Quebec, both the general public and the media as among different government agencies: federal, provincial and municipal. It consists of 10 professional associations and companies, grouped into three sectors (manufacturing, marketing and services) working in ornamental horticulture.

Selasa, 17 September 2013

A breath of fresh air in the garden

In summer, during heat waves and scorching heat, we search the shaded garden areas, which provide a breath of fresh air.

Freshness to the garden is always appreciated during hot summer days. (Photo Weekly Concept)

The easiest way to achieve this goal is to plant a few trees in a strategic location. With patience, you will have a bit of summer freshness. Choose a fast-growing species to enjoy the freshness shortly.
A breath of fresh air
Another, faster one, is to make a wall mesh cover it with vines. There is also a pergola, this small building made of horizontal beams and columns, which serves as a support for climbing plants and is increasingly popular. It is important to consider the location of the pergola to make the most of the shadow of your layout.

The presence of a body of water is a great way to add freshness. We know that carrying out such a project is not always easy, but it can be very satisfying. Consider adding to your pool pump with a jet of water, which will help to lower the temperature of the water while aerating the benefit of aquatic vegetation. What a pleasure to relax close to such a pool, in the shade of a large tree, which reduces the temperature a few degrees of the ambient air.

Of course, all this takes several hours or with recognized experts, but such a setting will provide many enjoyable moments of rest ... and well deserved.

Senin, 16 September 2013

Building on the versatility of the lattice

Lattices in a development are elements very versatile decoration. These objects can be used as a wall, serving as a support for climbing plants, or screen separation, creating an interesting perspective in the garden. Finally, the mesh can be used to decorate walls that are unsightly.
The mesh may have several functions in the garden, including that create intimacy.
Garden centers and supermarkets offer different types of mesh, made of different materials. In addition, creative gardeners have achieved great things in recovering old objects to be used as materials: wooden doors, window frames and even an assortment of vine shoots. As professional landscapers, they like to use mesh to create a formal architectural scene.
Building on the versatility of the lattice
Widespread, the wooden lattice provides warmth and authenticity. It has the quality to fit all types of development. The bamboo trellis, increasingly popular, for its part offers a touch of originality and exoticism.

Finally, the metal lattice is characterized by its strength and elegance. Often the metal lattice are custom, allowing the creation of original creations. The iron can be painted and goes particularly well with a romantic garden. It is ideal to showcase a rose garden and various climbing plants.

Tip: Avoid placing a mesh directly on a wall in your house. It is preferable to attach a wood frame from the wall about 10 cm to facilitate air circulation and minimize the risk of disease.

Jingle Bells in the flowerbeds

Bring motion to your garden to give it life and create an enchanting space. Enjoy a breath of air. To do this, choose light and graceful plant, which easily accommodate wind.

To give motion to your garden, use plants to mobile foliage, such as grasses. (Photo Weekly Concept)
Consider including grasses, which form a veritable moving sea plant when planted in mass. Precious grasses can also be integrated curbs and rock. Thus, blue fescue, miscanthus Stipa and give the structure while providing a visual charm.

If any part of your garden has a fresh soil, think of Provence cane or bamboo. These plants like moist soil in: they will grow dramatically to form veritable walls moving in the slightest wind.
Jingle Bells in the flowerbeds
Eucalyptus offers a beautiful symphony with its highly mobile foliage. Some trees can also play this role. Poplar, elm and linden are highly recommended for this type of job because the lightness of their foliage reacts to the slightest breeze.

Think also many decorative objects that, through the action of wind, creating movement and sound. The instrument dedicated to this element is undoubtedly the wind which, in addition to its convenience, brings a touch of humor to the garden.

Finally, the wind is not the only element able to give movement to the garden. Water also contributes. The discrete sound of a fountain is the best proof.

The benefits of the Zen garden

Born in China, Zen garden was originally a place of worship for Buddhists monks who gathered in outdoor spaces stripped in accordance with their spiritual approach.
For a successful composition, keep in mind the idea of ​​serene contemplation.
Thereafter, the Japanese have developed their own outdoor spaces meditative gardens, zen style influencing today, according to a minimalist approach and a bare land, where the repetition of species and varieties are preferred over diversity .

Choose small white flowering trees, lucky color of the Japanese, as magnolia and crabapple trees, which will create an unforgettable fragrance. The white azaleas are also welcome, as the dwarf pines, ferns, grasses and hostas.
>Zen Garden China
The lawn is generally absent from the Zen garden. It is preferred ground cover, such as thyme, white violets and periwinkles, which extend around the stones. To furnish it, we think of wood and bamboo. It manufactures screens or delicate Bowers Eastern inspiration, without forgetting the stone lanterns and pots of Japanese style.

Mainly made of stone, gravel and repeated here and there plants, the Zen garden requires little maintenance and is admirably suited to the development of small spaces. Another point must: water, of course, must be discreet. A rock in the center widened slightly will do nicely - the secret to success is moderation.

Now close your eyes and visualize a wooden bridge over a brook and a white pebble bed creeping thyme: space breathes and soothes! (HC)

Jumat, 13 September 2013

Basics of lawn maintenance

Keep your lawn healthy with good housekeeping practices. You get a healthy lawn by properly performing the activities of mowing, watering, fertilizing, overseeding, topdressing, aeration and dethatching.

Several touches can be made to help the lawn through the winter without suffering too much.


Mow the grass is high when dry.

• Mowing to a height of 6 to 8 cm (2.5 to 3 inches) promotes the development of an extensive root system in depth, gives a denser turf and allows the soil to retain moisture better.

Sharpen your mower blades in the spring and keep them well sharpened.

• The grass regenerates more quickly and easily when cutting the wire is clean and not torn.

Leave grass clippings on site.

• These residues are a good source of nitrogen for the slow release turf.

• If it rains a lot in the spring, remove too thick layers of grass clippings (more than 0.5 cm thick) to avoid choking the grass.


Water deeply but infrequently as possible.

• Put at least 2.5 cm (1 inch) of water. Measure the depth by placing a container on the lawn while watering.

• Water as needed, rather than according to a schedule.

• Excessive watering can cause adverse growing conditions aisni that disease problems.

• Consider the type of soil and landform. The grass that grows on a slope or in a compacted soil and end requires a lighter, more frequent watering.

Early morning is the best time for watering.

• This helps to minimize water loss through evaporation and wind action.

• Watering in the evening leaves the grass wet longer, which increases the risk of disease.

The grass growing near large trees may require more frequent watering because tree roots absorb much water.

A healthy lawn can survive for several weeks in dormant state.

• During periods of drought and prolonged heat, lawn may wilt, turn brown and go dormant. Common varieties of grass such as Kentucky bluegrass and fine fescue leaves grow green upon the return of normal humidity conditions.

Inspect the lawn to detect early any pest or any other problem.

• It may be difficult to distinguish damage caused by insects in a lawn in a dormant state.


Compost is a great fertilizer for your lawn adds nutrients necessary for plant growth.

• Apply it anytime during the season.

• Prior to seeding or laying sod, mix the compost to the soil or apply a thin layer raked over the existing lawn.

Commercial fertilizers generally contain three major nutrients.

• Nitrogen (N) to stimulate leaf growth

• Phosphorous (P) for the root growth

• Potassium (K) which is essential for stress resistance

The three numbers on the package are the proportions of these elements. for example, preparing a 21-7-7 contains 21% nitrogen, 7% phosphorus and 7% potassium.

Fertilizers, slow release of nitrogen is a good choice because they release elements uniformly. It is therefore unlikely that the excess fertilizer is leached out of the root zone.

• The ratio of NPK fertilizer lawn purpose is 4-1-2.

• The dose and timing of fertilization may vary depending on the soil type, the type of grass, terrain and weather conditions.

• a lower dose is generally used in spring and early summer at the beginning and the end of autumn.

• Organic fertilizers release more nutrients when the temperature and humidity rise. It is best not to fertilize the soil in hot, dry weather from mid-June to early August.

Make your soil a few years apart by a specialized laboratory. More to learn about the pH of your soil, it will tell you specifically what type of fertilizer and how to choose the dose spread.

The use of a herbicide-fertilizer combination product is indicated only if there is a widespread weed problem and a nutrient deficiency. Be sure to use according to the instructions on the label.

Overseeding and replacing turf

Most healthy lawns recover after being damaged. Depending on the type of grass, vigorous lawn will regenerate in areas sparse because of pests or other factors.

If bare areas do not regenerate quickly weeds can invade these gaps.

1) seeding practiced regularly keeps a thick lawn.

• The best time for overseeding is between late summer and early fall.

• This can be done at the same time dressing with compost or garden soil.

• Overseeding with appropriate species of grass is very important for lawns shaded areas.

2) The replacement of sod

• Cut about 2 cm deep dead or damaged section to remove it.

• Rake the soil and add a little fertilizer.

• Insert the new plate in the prepared section.

• Walk or roll it over to adhere the base plate.

While watering the new plantings or new plate until the grass is well established.


Aerating your lawn will allow water, air and major nutrients better flow to the roots, which grow more easily, but in clay soils. The best time for aeration is at the end of the summer, along with overseeding and topdressing.

Signs of a lawn needs aeration

• The soil is hard and compact.

• The thatch layer thickens.

• Water does not penetrate well when you water the lawn.

• There is the presence of weeds such as knotweed and clover.

There are two types of mechanical ventilators:

• machines for strong teeth that pierce the ground

• machines that collect cores of thatch and soil

Small lawns can be aerated through shoes whose soles are spikes in 6 cm (2.5 inches).

Do not roll the spring as it may aggravate the problems of soil compaction.


Thatch is a layer of tough roots and dead grass that accumulates on the surface. In a healthy lawn, insects, earthworms, beneficial fungi and other microorganisms break down thatch and aerate the soil.

Overwatering, an excessive nitrogen fertilization or frequent use insecticides and fungicides can reduce populations of soil organisms necessary to prevent thatch buildup.

A stubble of a thickness greater than 1 cm (0.5 inches) can prevent water, air and nutrients to the roots, house insect pests and cause disease.

• Remove excess thatch with a rake or cultivator.

Green swim in a natural pool

Inspired by mountain lakes, the natural pool is a concept of ecological water basins that invites nature to take its place. Filtered only by plants and stones, it allows free bathing added chemicals like chlorine found in traditional residential pools.

According to Guy Gosselin, at Symbiosis of Landscape "ecological pool, incorporating quality materials and a rich mix of plants, creates a space in harmony with the environment." This helps to explain the fact that in recent years, the biological pool - also known biopiscine, Ecological, biological Basin, natural swimming pond and swimming pool living - can be found in the private courtyard of many Quebec supporters.

In addition to presenting a fresh aesthetic eye and reduce temperature variations, these natural water bodies have many advantages.

-No chemicals

Quality-of unchlorinated water

-Aesthetics, contact with wildlife

-Reduced maintenance costs

-Cool design and great build

-Resistant to Quebec winters

Operation and Maintenance

The natural pool restores life and the ecological balance of an aquatic environment. To ensure the treatment course, it is divided into three or four areas:

Central-bathing area: this is where we swam! Generally found a sand filter, a skimmer, a sedimentation chamber and a UV filter.

-Zone filtration device: shallower, this part welcomes épuratives plants involved in natural water purification.

Zone-oxygenation: here, the water passes through a vegetable belt, is aerated by different modes of circulation - falls, waterfall, etc.. - Is tempered in contact with the rollers heated by the sun, then back to the dip tank.

-Regeneration Zone (lagoon): decorated with floating plants and deeper, this part, sometimes combined with the oxygenation zone serves as a visual transition between the plant and aquatic environment.

Low maintenance, just move the draws regularly to remove leaves and clean the filters. We must also remember to prune the plants in the fall and prepare the pool for the winter by draining pipes filtration.

Swimming in the middle of wildlife

You will not be surprised to find a colorful array of fauna and flora. Insects, frogs, birds, snails and others are part of the natural ecosystem of the entire basin. You will then share your swim with this microfauna participating in pool cleaning, stirring the water and feeding on algae and insect pests such as mosquitoes. Fish should be avoided as they are generators of excrement that can facilitate the growth of algae.


The cost of a natural pool built by a professional, including the design, construction, development of the basin and aquatic plants, equivalent to that of a traditional inground pool. We must plan to spend between $ 100 and $ 150 per square foot. For self-help, the costs are lower. For cons, the realization requiring precision and attention to detail, it is important to learn and plan the project.

In all cases, the regulations on the safety of residential pools (22 July 2010) applies and do not forget to check the planning of your municipality to get the necessary permits rules.

Develop a pleasant and functional outdoor space

As we approach the summer holidays, Home Depot issued several instructions and guidelines contemporary to enjoy sunny days in a friendly outdoor space.

It is important to build on the outdoor furniture that suits your style and your needs. The space must be arranged so friendly and functional. (Photo Home Depot)
Here are five areas for consideration for summer 2013:

Have the audacity

This summer, the trend in furniture and relaxation is in neutral colors such as gray, taupe and brown. Use cushions, planters and accessories in bright colors to make a contrast with the neutral background.

Enhance your patio there with flowers, potted plants and other greenery.

Dare match

Layering and combination of materials like wicker, metal, wood and slate will still be a big trend this summer.

Do not be afraid to match colors and patterns. Create combinations with cushions and rugs. This summer, we are pleased to offer various seat cushions and decorative in vibrant colors to meet all your needs decoration.

Building on rustic style

Having stormed the interior, the trend finishes and textures imitating the old wood, recovered and washed takes up residence outside. We offer products to finished imitating the old wood to make your outdoor decoration as elegant and stylish as your home.

Use rustic notes such as Adirondack chairs, lighting copper, red brick and pine to give a cottage look to your yard.

Set up a space well you

Create an outdoor oasis where you can relax and rejuvenate yourself with your family. Consider adding soothing elements like a fountain, a bird or speakers outdoor weatherproof (think speaker AudioRock wireless shaped stone resistant to weathering) bath.

If you have room, why not arrange a place where you can do yoga, stretch and relax outside? Set up the space in a shelter or a pergola, and place a bamboo mat and a few potted herbs to give all a breath of greenery.

And voila! In no time, you have a soothing place to stretch and practice yoga. If your deck is short, consider creating some privacy by placing a trellis. Add some grapes and ivy for a thick blanket that will give your terrace privacy while adorning the landscape of colors and reliefs.

Create a flexible space

Sets of modular seats are very practical and can be adapted to each environment. We know that sometimes there is a lack of space, which is why the arms of some chairs (including furniture Westbury) can be easily removed, providing numerous configurations for your landscaping.

Rabu, 11 September 2013

Landscaping: a good investment

A good landscaping can fully enjoy your yard during the summer. It is also a good investment when it comes to resale. A well-maintained grounds and pleasing to the eye will sell. The landscaping is after all one of the most visible elements of your home!

The landscaping must be seen as an investment, not an expense. (Photo APCHQ - Marc Tasse)
Not only must it be aesthetic, it must also be functional. A good plan should reflect your needs, their evolution, soil composition and maintenance required. Needless eg designing flowerbeds worthy of a show garden for someone who does not like gardening.

According to Marc Tasse, a specialist landscaping member Réno-Master of the Provincial Association of Home Builders Quebec, landscaping represents

20 to 30% of the value of a house. "It is not an expense, he says, it is an investment."

"Wild West" of landscaping

Our expert regrets that the consumer is somewhat left to himself in the field of landscaping. "Unlike the commercial sector, there is no license from the board of examiners. Anyone can buy a truck, a wheelbarrow and a shovel and improvise landscape. "So it's best to learn, get references and require certification or a recommendation from a recognized before signing a contract agency.

The contractor that you will be a good price can not be there in a few years when his work will be again, perhaps not even he will eventually work, lack of money! Lack of competence, lack of experience and supervision on construction sites, Marc Tasse is often referred to resume (and sometimes complete) the work of others.

When you invest a few thousand dollars in developing his land and must take all, the bill turns salty, we must undo eg walls, driveways or around a pool. Unfortunately, these are the customers who pay for the mistakes of their supplier.


As in any field, there are standards, codes and guidelines of the manufacturer to comply with the rules of the art in short. Our expert gives as an example the aisles in nested blocks that fall apart a few years after installation. Often borders holding recommended by the manufacturer were not installed on the sides: nothing holds the stones and the book collapses.

Another problem that we see too often remains the existence of a negative slope toward the building, which means that the water goes to the house and can cause significant damage. Water can seep in, especially with the heavy rains we have known for a few years. Such a situation is however much more easily corrected before patio, shed, pool find their place on the field.

Very few people know that some municipalities require a drainage plan prior to construction and a report, once construction is completed to ensure proper water management. This step is skipped and sometimes you end up with very expensive problems after a few years.

Garden City offers its prestigious furniture in Quebec

Garden City shop opened in Quebec City this week to expand and diversify the supply of furniture and accessories for the lawn.

The inauguration was formalized in the presence of Marcelle Bourque, Vice President, Gilles Emond, Manager of Commerce of Quebec, and his team. Located at 4500, boulevard des Bleachers, the new retail space on account 10,000 feet carréspour expose its products.
Garden City proposes to extend the summer fun with a variety of patio furniture, shelter, parasols and other garden accessories. There are several prestigious brands including: Manutti, Roda, Brown, Jordan, Cane-line, Royal Botania, Garden at the end of World Rausch, Fast, Kebon Jati Tucci and Cuscini.

Launched in Saint-Antoine-des-Laurentides, now comprising more than one hundred employees stands for over 55 years in the furniture industry and high-end accessory for outdoor use. It has places of business in Brossard, Mirabel, Montreal and Toronto, through Florida and even Switzerland, and in many specialty shops as well as hotels and restaurants among its clients.

Rejuvenate the balcony: a project of the season!

To take full advantage of the summer, there is nothing like a balcony suited to your tastes and needs. Subject to weather and heavy traffic, yours may have need of a youth to begin the new season.

The balcony as the terrace is an outdoor extension of the home appreciated. (Photo courtesy APCHQ)
To guide you in your project, the banner Reno Master of the Provincial Association of Home Builders Quebec (APCHQ) suggests some ways to make your balcony living space pleasant and safe.


Whatever your motivations, renovation of balconies requires a minimum of planning. While you're there, its dimensions still appropriate for your needs? In general, a balcony 10 feet by 12 offers enough space to comfortably seat four people and accommodate a barbecue.

"If you want to enlarge, check first with your local municipality, as it may be that the regulations restrict the size, prevents André Gagné, director of technical expertise APCHQ. Also, if you are thinking possibly transform your balcony or terrace three seasons incorporate a spa, plan now foundations and structure of sufficient bearing capacity. "

In terms of support, it is recommended to place the platform on dormant blocks. Under the effect of freezing, they will tend to rise and, eventually, to deteriorate the anchors that attach the balcony at home. The screw piles, concrete columns or poles 6 inches 6 treated wood installed at a minimum depth of 1.2 meters, more resistant to frost.


Fall prevention should be at the top of your priorities. Moreover, the rules are there to remind you. As soon as the platform of your balcony is 24 inches above ground level is, you must install a guardrail. Whatever it is made of wood, aluminum, plastic or wrought iron, it must have a minimum height of 36 inches. Your staircase has three or more risers? You must also provide a handrail.

You want to combine business with pleasure by combining balcony and pool? Standards are more stringent in this regard. You will provide a barrier between the pool and balcony. This should be a minimum of 42 inches tall and has a self-closing system and a safety lock installed on the side of the pool to prevent it from being handled by children.


After experiencing its heyday, treated wood is losing ground among consumers because of its toxicity. If the structure of your balcony is made of treated wood, it is not necessary to dismantle everything. Adding a new surface coating, such as fiberglass, will do nicely.

"The Western Red Cedar is also a good alternative to treated wood, says André Gagné. Its high tannin content makes it well resist rot. As the fiber is denser than hemlock, western red cedar is less likely to delaminate. Its surface is smooth and produces less sides. Also found recently on the market for wood treated with an environmentally friendly agent, alkaline copper quaternary, safe for health. "

But there is a downside to the use of treated wood: Although durable, it requires the application of a protective coating to preserve its appearance. As for composite materials made of plastic and wood fiber, they also represent a cost-effective solution even if they are much more expensive. They do not and will alter their color to stand the test of time.

Reminders for residential swimming pool safety

On the occasion of the 20th edition of the National Week of drowning prevention (SNPN) Lifesaving Society of Quebec reiterated his message of prevention as part of its day "Residential Swimming Pool Safety."

It should not be a hiding place: the weather is fine and warm, the number of drownings increase confirms Raynald Hawkins, CEO of SSQ.

The recent perfect Swimming tour reminded that "to succeed in swimming, it takes two ingredients: a safe design and safe environment." According Raynald Hawkins, CEO of the Lifesaving Society, it is precisely on these two fundamental elements that prevention campaign was developed.

Perfect bathing proposed including a bilingual website ( where visitors can test their knowledge by making an interactive game of 10 security vulnerabilities. The Lifesaving Society has also offered its services to the general public thanks to the perfect Swimming Tour that traveled the province to provide free courtesy home entertainment in schools and child care as well as training Prevent drowning at home.

Safe environment

Tips for a safe environment for swimming.

Before swimming:

• Learn first aid and CPR.

• Enter the address of the residence and emergency numbers near the phone.

• Bring a wireless telephone near the pool.

• Be sure to have everything you might need.

• Install a buoy, a floating object, a lifejacket or a pole near the pool.

• Establish rules for users of your pool.

While swimming:

• Assign an adult to monitor the pool.

• Never leave your kids eyes.

• Never leave a child alone in the pool if only a few seconds.

• Always be accompanied.

• Recognize the signs of drowning.

After swimming:

• Do not leave toys floating in the pool.

• Ensure that all accesses are properly closed.

Safety planning

While many parents and grandparents argue that they adequately monitor their children and grandchildren, inaccessibility to your pool remains essential to prevent serious accidents. Several drownings place while children were not supposed to swim. Toddlers often escape adult supervision, and unfortunately in many cases, they have direct access to the house or the backyard to the backyard pool. It is clear that in these Regulations on the safety of residential pools becomes important situations.

Here are the essential steps to make your security planning:

• Surround your pool on all sides by a fence at least 1.2 meters that can not be climbed and through which a spherical object 10 cm in diameter can pass.

• Have the gates of the enclosure of a device that allows them to close and lock automatically.

• If you use a ladder to access the pool (above ground pool), install a security door that closes and locks automatically.

• Make sure that neither the filtration system or any other object is close to the pool so that a child could climb to reach it.

Minggu, 01 September 2013

Burn Montreal Favor Pellet Devices

Équiterre welcomes the new regulations of the City of Montreal amending the Regulation on the construction and alteration of buildings, which require render inoperative any device wood heating (stove or fireplace) using solid fuel by 31 December 2020.

The devices will then be rendered inoperative or be provided with a permanent device that will prevent their use at any time. The installation, operation and maintenance of equipment to use EPA certified granules remain, however, permitted.

"This is great news for the health of citizens of the Island of Montreal, knowing that wood stoves and fireplaces are a major source of emissions and thus affect the quality of air and health, "says Isabelle St-Germain, Deputy Director General Équiterre.

Considering that 50,550 devices already installed on the territory of the City of Montreal will be replaced under this regulation, Équiterre wants the Green Light program will be extended in order to help citizens to comply with the new rules.

Green Light Program

The Green Light program provides for its up to $ 900 refund for the removal or replacement of a wood heater with a gas appliance, propane or wood pellets. The program is funded by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, Environment, Wildlife and Parks of Quebec (MDDEFP) and is administered by Équiterre.

Équiterre and its partners suggest that this program, scheduled to end December 31, 2013, be extended until 2020, in addition to improve to allow homeowners who make their unit to fail to qualify for financial assistance.