Kamis, 26 Desember 2013

How To Change Or Restore A Cabinet Moldings

Change or restore a cabinet moldings problem

It is not always necessary to restore or completely change the exterior of a cabinet for a different look. Sometimes, with a little ingenuity, a very simple, inexpensive and fast way, we can also achieve the goal. One way is by changing or restoring a cabinet moldings. We can change, varnishing, painting them a new color, in short, there are many alternatives that allow us to change the look of furniture without the need of much work.

On many occasions we have been dedicated to restoring old furniture, trying to remain as new, looking for a more attractive furniture for our homes. We managed, with a little skill and, above all, very little economic cost, revive those old and damaged items, achieving reuse when we thought we were destined for the trash. We have learned to restore wood step , to varnish, and many other things. Anyway, if something is true, is that for most of these jobs have needed time and shabby furniture. However, it is not always so.
How To Change Or Restore A Cabinet Moldings
We often have furniture that are not in bad shape, but nevertheless we would like to change the style in order to achieve a radical change in our rooms . From this, today I want to provide a nice alternative.

The cabinets of our rooms do not usually receive a lot of changes over the course of the years, we believe it can be a hard, almost impossible in fact to decide the style of the room based on the cabinet we have. However, placing a different color molding cabinet can significantly change its external appearance.

Thus, seeking to renew the appearance of a closet, easily, quickly and economically, we can choose a decorative moldings colocares. If already available furniture moldings, in that case we can change its color.

In the latter case, what we must do to paint the existing molding is to place masking tape around moldings, and some sort of paper on the floor to protect it from the paint.

For this work ideally, non-aqueous paint, whose characteristics allow quick drying. To use a fine paint brush.

If you do not want to paint a different color, we can varnish the trim to give brighter than the rest of the furniture.
If the closet or cabinet does not have moldings and placing desire, I will work on them first before placement. We apply a layer of primer and two of paint. Later, once dry, will place the cabinet moldings securing it with wood glue and nails tip loss.

If however, the idea is to replace the existing ones, to remove old can use a spatula to lever (of course, very carefully), or, in case you can not because they have been glued together, we can try to soften it with a heat gun.

Fix Damaged Wooden Chairs

Fix damaged wooden chairs. Wood is one of the most used material for furniture, but also one that over the years more often damaged. Especially the chairs, which are usually the first to feel the passage of time.
Fix damaged wooden chairs
Fortunately there are some small ways to re-strengthen the wooden chairs to continue resisting for a while more. Let's see ...

One of the main problems is when they dance joints , ie when the joints between the legs and crossbars and end up losing loosen the adhesive. This is a problem that we must solve quickly because it is very dangerous considering that if we sat up joints can open and cause a fall.

To fix the first thing to do is remove the seat by removing the seat. Then with a rubber mallet to hit we carefully remove the legs to reach the ears of the boxes. Once done, the next step will be to remove the old adhesive with a cutter (then have to sand) and apply white glue to the box and pin . While the glue dries can fasten the seat belt with a sergeant, who set all joints at once and it will also square.

Another common problem is the damaged varnish, generally present in parts of the legs. To solve this problem the first thing is a good cleaning, which will carry out with a mixture of turpentine and petroleum oil to 50%. In this case Keep in mind that if the chair is varnished to wrist, then we can revive its luster sprinkling a few drops of oil spread move with wrist wrapped in cotton cloth shirt, slightly moistened with alcohol of 96 ยบ.

Although factory varnishes recovered with a simple cleaning, may also be waxed very slightly. In the latter case it is best applied with a cloth or brush the wax, and then polishing with a brush for shoes wrapped in a stocking.

While wood furniture often damaged with the passage of time, this is something you can avoid if you perform good maintenance. Anyway, it's never too late, if the time has made ​​theirs in any of our wooden furniture will always have time to restore step .

How To Varnish Wooden Floors

How to varnish wooden floors. The idea to have a parquet floor is to keep it shiny and incidentally keep to give you more in time, in this posting them I will point some things related to the application of suitable coatings to withstand the traffic and how to apply if the floor is be new or used.

For this we would have to use a paint with some special features, such as a varnish with a component based on water is unique in dry quickly thus allow us to spend several hands in a day , the product usually is iniloro and ready for use.

There are two types of varnish, one polyurethane . having the characteristic of being ready for use, weak, easy to use and very odor resistant Now there are two-component products (such as DD varnish), which come with the mixture to prepare (a hardener in the varnish is incorporated), the smell is stronger, is ultra wear resistant products to clean and scratch home.

Once we have purchased the products, the polyurethane for railings and composite floor is recommended , we must ask some tools necessary to find that this work is important to have an edge sander , sandpaper (medium-coarse-grained, fine), an acuchilladora for preparation. To make the application you need to use solvent to dilute and clean, rubber gloves, wide flat brush (pallet), sand (medium grain and grain fixed).

How To Varnish Wooden Floors

The preparation is very simple, first I will show you how to do it on a parquet that has received some nno topcoat

The first is cleaning, dusting and glue residue, then apply an insecticide treatment (optional operation), a treatment for parquet or wood inside is advised. The product is dried in 24 hours and varnish allows the next day.

The manual stabbed is important to discard the top of the wood, which usually occurs not smooth and debris that may spoil the finish, so you get a clean wood with its natural tone, the varnish should only be applied on a surface of completely dry and dust-free timber. Proceed with wooden floor stabbed with acuchilladora, you must work in the same direction of the wood grain to get a better result in the application, passing the acuchilladora with a medium grit sandpaper to slash and smoothing the soil surface Wood, passed the second time with a fine grit sandpaper after that dust is cleaned and passed the vacuum in the room , angles and hard to reach places such as radiators knifed edges with sander sander or hand corners.

Now we will onto waxed old parquet

The first phase is to remove sharp objects such as nails or staples that may damage the abrasive bands sanding , cleaning is done with soap and warm water and then vigorously brushing the floor must, rinsed with clean water several times and after Dry clean dust. This cleaning is essential to remove stains and surface layers of wax and prevent abrasive belts become dirty. You can also use a product to remove wax floors if desired.

I advise wet a small area, if the wood takes on a purplish hue, it contains titanium in this case stabbing directly without applying soap. About Oak and Brown : Do not use detergent or soda product.

To complete the stabbed; happen once the acuchilladora with sandpaper grit for stripping fat and smooth, the second time with a medium grit sandpaper to slash and unify the surface of the floors, the third time is spent with acuchilladora sandpaper fine-grained, dusting and vacuuming the room.

Treatment with insecticide if necessary see galleries dug by insects or contaminated wood slats, dealing thoroughly with a product for parquet or wood interior, this product dries in 24 hours and varnish allows the next day. If any of the parquet is impaired lama is convenient to replace it with a new one making sure that is the same shade as the surrounding.

Two cases arise for the treatment of an old parquet varnishing

First film earlier this worn varnish and wood suggests, in this case you should follow the technique of preparation for new flooring. The second case is when the film is dull varnish above, in this case to proceed to a slight stabbed with fine sandpaper and apply a polyurethane varnish.


To apply the veneer of a single component (ready to use), you must if you want to stain the floor before varnishing, test tone in a lama before full implementation. Drying is carried out according to the instructions of the packaging.

The coating process is carried out by the first hand, working well with flat varnish brush (pallet) facing the smoothing in the direction of the grain of the wood back to the door and back toward the window. Let it dry for several hours prior to polishing (light sanding with fine grit sandpaper and remove dust). To apply the second coat to dry and apply varnish, if outside a room where high traffic, apply a third coat. Wait 48 hours before replacing furniture in the room and not drag the furniture for a few days . It is convenient to put stickers filters on the legs of these.

In the case of two-component varnish (mixture is prepared before use), you must use a bleach cleaner before use. ancient wooden floors cleaned with soda or other products, and new soil impregnated with plaster or cement are alkaline, so we recommend using a neutralizing product (Bleach cleaner type of wood) so that the varnish applied to normally dry.

Mixing this type of varnish should be ready for immediate use, not saved, so you have to provide the amount needed for your application. The process is carried out using a wide and flat (pallet) brush, facing window, smoothing in the direction of the grain of the wood back to the door and going back to this, leaving 24 hours to dry, then sand smooth and with fine grain, dust and apply the second coat, which should dry another 24 hours.