Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

New Online Tool To Plan The Landscaping

With the lazy days of summer, while Nature is generous, the dream to be surrounded by flowers and plants invading the owners of mansions. A new online tool offers to help orchestrate this type of investment.

Whether for a harmonious development, a garden full of vegetables, or a relaxing pool water must proceed methodically. But where to start? And how to succeed the first time?

Good news, specialists Quebec horticultural industry posted a strong practice website. offer Quebecers ideas, advice and information for a successful project. They find videos capsules with a variety of professional services (landscaping, lawn care, maintenance of plants, watering), but also inspiring photos of gardens made and discussed by experts.

They also discover different types of garden (urban, family, interior, garden and water garden) and can share their own ideas.

This horticultural portal created by interdisciplinary Federation ornamental horticulture Quebec (FIHOQ) even offers detailed plants to discover forms, moving stories of passionate gardeners, the schedule of activities and events throughout Quebec horticultural and several contests that participate throughout the summer.

And to get personalized advice and obtain necessary for their project assistance, Quebecers can use the interactive directory of the site and find the closest retailer them.
New Online Tool To Plan The Landscaping
Impacts and Benefits

In Quebec, FIHOQ recalls that ornamental horticulture generates over $ 3 billion annually in direct and indirect economic benefits. It offers 40,000 full time equivalent jobs in more than 4000 companies.

In their garden, Quebecers are surrounded by plants and flowers for their beauty. But increasingly, their motives are personal well-being and environmental benefits they provide:

- A pleasant atmosphere around and inside the house.
- A lot of pride and a reduction of stress for those who garden.
- Any culinary and gastronomic experience (vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs).
- Reduction of energy costs (heating and cooling).
- Increase the value of properties.
- Mitigation of urban heat islands.
- More oxygen and less pollution.
- Improved quality of air and water.
- Reduction of noise pollution.
- Control of urban glare.
- And the birds and other wildlife are not rendezvous.

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