Sabtu, 24 Agustus 2013

Tips To Deal The Heat In The Hot Island

Tips To Deal The Heat In The Hot Island
Tips to deal the heat in the hot island. Walk on foot in the city in summer. It is warm and the sun shines. Is suddenly experiences a temperature rise. We are probably in a heat island. This phenomenon is responsible for warmer temperatures in some places in several cities in Quebec, and is particularly caused by the concentration of urban concrete and asphalt at the expense of the countryside.
These large non-reflective surfaces absorb and store solar energy. In addition, the urban morphology can also generate heat islands. Thus, high structures and narrow streets can affect the ventilation of urban centers. The difference temperature between heat island and a normal area can be very important. The temperature in cities can even reach up to 12 ° C higher than the surrounding areas.

According to the National Public Health Institute of Quebec, the main impact of heat islands is the deterioration of the quality of indoor and outdoor air, and a rising demand for energy and water.

Counter the heat island

The green roof is one of the measures to combat the urban heat island.
The choice of materials is very important to have some control over the heat that they could capture in urban areas. According to Bertrand Roy, an engineer at the Société d'habitation du Québec (SHQ), we can reduce the retention of heat absorbent surfaces (parking lots asphalt shingle roofs, etc..) In:

• limiting their use in areas where they are needed;
• using materials and colors that reflect heat;
• taking advantage of the vegetation at the edge thereof or on the walls and roofs.

Indeed, by creating "cool islands", it is possible to literally turn the tide. According to a study by Natural Resources Canada, the percentage of vegetated area of ​​a site increases, the temperature decreases: the difference can reach 8 ° C.

To cope with the heat

To help people cope with the heat, Bertrand Roy SHQ advise them to take advantage of features already available to them, including:

• closing the curtains and window shutters to cut solar radiation;
• making the most of the cooling temperature overnight. In addition to natural ventilation, use of a fan can be very effective;
• seeking naturally cool places such as basements, shade trees, etc..

In some cases, in people at high risk for health problems related to heat or people who live in a building without the possibility of ventilation, it may be necessary to use air-conditioning to control humidity and temperature remain high for long periods. However, these devices contribute to increased heat islands rejecting outside the heat extracted from the housing.

It should therefore be used as efficiently as possible, for example over a shorter period, when we are at home. In addition, it may be advantageous to provide community rooms with air conditioning to allow more people to enjoy a few hours a day, rather than installing multiple devices for individual use.

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